Friday, September 7, 2007


Dennis said

Once again, if navy Sonar is harming whales, why aren't thousands of SONAR Buoys in the Atlantic and Pacific causing mass hysteria? Why haven't these mass stranding been reported until the mid 90's and linked to SONAR? There has been SONAR since the 40's and very powerful SONAR since the 60's, why has this not become a major issue until now? Once again, it is easier to blame man than actually discovering the real cause.

I did want to take this item separate because what is being "tested" is a new mid range sonar, one that can detect the newer, quieter submarines. Scientist are finding that it somehow causing the bends in toothed whales. You never hear about the baleen whales beaching, such as humpbacks and right whales. It could be because just like submarines, they can drop down below a thermal layer that disrupts sonar. Subs use such tactics to try and avoid detection.

1 comment:

Dennis said...

For the most part though, Marine animals have been subjected to this noise for decades, yes there are newer technologies and they are being used by different countries, but, for the most part when the Enviros call foul and blame the Navy, for the most part they find out after the fact that the Whales had a disease or some other cause led to to the beachings. Also, one of the articles I noted, the Navy goes ahead and recons the area for any traffic before doing its testing. I can pretty much tell you tht this "new Sonar" has been in use for quite sometime, in fact possibly the 80's is when it was being developed. I've been at sea when SONAR has been active, and there where whales and porposise around when it was being used, in fact the porposises and dolphins were swimming beside and at the bow while it was on. And Ship SONAR uses about the same thing subs use. Even though the Navy said it did cause one beaching in what 2000? I just don't buy it totally.