Sunday, May 13, 2007


I started this on another blog but for some reason, I can't log back onto it. I'm in a nursing home getting treatment for pressure sores, the consequences of being confined to a wheelchair most of your life. I didn't want to go into a nursing home because of the stories I've heard about those places, but my doctor decided that a nursing home was much better than the home healthcare I had been using and much cheaper than a full fledged hospital.

But, sometimes the care here isn't as great as it should be. Espeically since alot of those here can't speak up for themselves. As I said before, the units or sections are run by LPN's instead of RN's like they do in hospitals. Besides, I thought LPN's can't dispense medications, but here they do.

Hopefully, once my w0unds are healed, I can leave this place and live on my own again.

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