Wednesday, May 23, 2007



Congress has agreed to some provisions on the immigration bill. They still are talking about a guest worker program that will allow Mexicans to come work in the US as a guest worker if they go back to Mexico for a year between visas. Those visas could be two to three yrs in length.

One of the detractors of the bill is Sen. Byron Dorgan, D-N.D. ''It is just a fiction that these are jobs Americans aren't willing to do,'' Dorgan said. ''The main reason that big corporations want a guest worker program is that it will drive down U.S. wages.''

I don't see many people lining up to clean toilets or work out in the hot sun gathering vegetables or fruits. Our produce supply happens because of the "guest workers" who are willing to work in the hot sun for little pay. Now if there were a lot of other Americans willing to get out in the hot sun and do that kind of work for that kind of pay, then they should be out there. If not then they need to stop complaining about foreigners coming here and taking jobs away from Americans.

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