Monday, June 11, 2007


Dennis said...

This case in of itself is ground breaking. Lawyers usually only punish each other through the respective states Bar Assosiation. What is even more monumental is that a DA is on trial for the handling of a case. I am happy to see at least the State of North Carolina gets it. I suspect he may lose his license over this, if not his office.

I agree. I've seen D.A.s blunder cases but not as badly or blatantly as Nifong did. He had a victim who the police report that when they get to the scene, she was passed out in the front yard. Then she claimed the whole team gang raped her until photos made by one of the guys at the party show her dancing. These photos were time stamped. At the time she claimed she was being assaulted, she was in the living room of this house dancing. Plus, another girl came with her to the party and that girl claimed the victim was only out of her sight for a couple of minutes. The bruises the victim claimed to have gotten because of the attack, were clearly scene in the photos before the time of the supposed attack. Her fake fingernails had DNA evidence but it did not match anyone on the team. Nine months after the alleged attack, the victim has a baby, but refuses to have it's DNA tested. As the evidence stacked up that cleared the lacrosse time, the more Nifong refused to drop the charges. Only after the state stepped in, did he finally drop all charges.

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