Monday, June 4, 2007



Four men, including a former baggage handler, at JFK airport, plotted to blow up the airport by using the jet fuel lines that run from NJ to the airport. The baggage handler, Russell Defreitas, a U.S. citizen and native of Guyana, was the one doing surveillance on the airport, noting escape routes, where the pipeline originated, security cameras. Another member of the group was an ex-Parliament member of Guyana. Two others were from Trinidad and Tobago.

The plot was uncovered last August by an informant. The informant was so convincing that he was flown to the terror group's compound for several meetings. During one of those meetings, Defreitas is heard saying that Americans love john F Kennedy so much that by blowing up JFK Airport would be like killing Kennedy twice, and that it would totally devastate the country, and would have a greater economic impact than the 9/11 attacks.

The informant was a twice convicted drug dealer. Like most informants, they end up working for the government hoping for a lighter sentence for was ever crimes they have committed. But informants have become another weapon in the war on terror. It was an informant that reveal the plot on Fort Dix.

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