Tuesday, July 31, 2007


Dennis said...

First: No one has ever been charged with leaking Valerie Plames name to Robert Novak.
Second: Richard Armitage was the one who told Robert Novak about Valerie Plame and he was under Colin Powell, not Dick Cheney. To this day, he has not been brought up on any charges and Fitzgerald doesn't plan too.
Third: Libby was charged with a process crime, not leaking her name, just a bad memory. You cna't single him out for that either, Hillary Clinton suffered from a bad memory during Whitewater and the FBI file scandal, Bill CLinton seemed to suffer from them also.
Fourth: I don't recall the exact authors name, but the woman who helped write the law that pertained to agents under cover stated that Valerie Plame was not a Covert Agent according to the Law as it was written.
Finally: The Cheney's War bit is just getting old. So is the Rumsfelds War mantra. it is a Tin Foil hat issue and is about as crazy as the FDR knowing beforehand about Pearl harbor.

This investigation went about like Kenneth Star's investigation of Bill Clinton. It started with White Water and ended up with his affair with Monica Lewinski. Libby was made the scape goat so that the one who truely released Plames identity could go free. If they really wanted to get the one who leaked Plame's identity then Armitage should be charged.

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